


Sea robin , Grondin From Morocco

Piper Gurnard , Capone Lira , Garneo ,

Sea robin , Grondin


we exoprt fresh fish and frozen fish exporter and seafoods processing From Morocco , E.U and FDA food facility Approved
manufactory works under HACCP SYSTEM from catching to export.
Most Commonly Available Species for Export

Redbanded seabream
PAGEOT ROYAL, Pagre rayé , Pagro reale , Φαγγρί
( Pagrus auriga )

Grande vive ,Tracina drago ,Δράκαινα
(Trachinus draco)

Yellow Merou (Jaune)
Cerina ,ΡΟΦΟΣ (epinephelus-guaza)

Common Octopus
pulpo , poulpe ,polpo , ΧΤΑΠΟΔΙ
(Octopus vulgaris)

Striped seabream Marbre Marbré Mormora Μουρμούρα

calamari Calamar calamary Calamaro Καλαμάρια

Common cuttlefish , Seiche commune seppia comune
( Sepia officinalis)

Cuttlefish dew ,mandrita
( Sepia orbignyana )

Commom Sole
Sole Commun Sole Sogliola Γλώσσα

Rombo Chiodato , Rodaballo ,?a?????

bass - Loup bars
Seabass , Branzino , Spigola ,Λαβράκι
( Dicentrarchus labrax )

Red Mullet/Triglia di Scoglio ,ΜΠΑΡΜΠΟΥΝΙ
(Mullus surmuletus )

White seabream
Vrai Sar , Sarago , Σαργός
( Diplodus sargus sargus )

Moroccan white seabream
Faux sar , Sarago , Sar du Maroc , Sargo marroquí , ΚΑΚΑΡΕΛΟ

Common pandora
Breca , Pageot-Commun , Pagro, Breka , ΛΙΘΡΙΝΙ

Espadon , Pez Espada , Pesce Spada , ξιφίας
( Xiphias gladius )

Common dentex
denté commun , El dentón común , Συναγρίδα
(Dentex dentex)

Black Seabream
Dorade grise , Tanuta , Chopa ,Βαγιούνο
( spondyliosoma cantharus )

Shortfin Mako Shark - Requin
Shortfin mako Cagna , Cagnizzo Atunero , Cane de mare Ρυγχοκαρχαρίας
( Isurus oxyrinchus )

European conger
El congrio , congre commun ,Μουγγρί
( Conger conger)

Meagre Courbine
Bocca D'oro , Corvina ,Κρανιός
( Argyrosomus Regius)

Lotte , baudroie , monk fish , rana pescatrice , rana pescadora , rape , Πεσκαντρίτσα
(Lophius piscatorius)

Salema Saupe
Salema porgy , salema , Salpa ,Σάλπα
( Sarpa salpa )

scorpion fish
Rascasse , Scorpeanea scrofa , hog scorpion , scorfano , scorpena rascacio , cabracho , escórpora ,Κόκκινησκορπίνα
(Scorpaena scrofa)

John Dory
Saint pierre , Pesce San Pietro , Pez De San Pedro ,

Silver John dory , Saint Pierre argenté, San Pedro plateado
( Zenopsis-conchifer )

Sea robin
Grondin ,Piper Gurnard , Capone Lira , Garneo ,

Norway lobster
Langoustine , Scampo , Scampolo , Lagostino , Αστακός
( Nephrops norvegicus)

Common lobster
Homard , Lobster , Astice , Lupicante Bogavante , Lubricante , αστακός
( Homarus gammarus )

Gilt-head bream
( Sparus-Aurata )
dorada , daurade royale ,orata ,ΤΣΙΠΟΥΡΑ

Golden snapper
Dourada-australiana , PAGRES , PAGRO ROSA

Blackspot Seabream
Dorade Rose , Gros-Yeux , Besugo Borazo , ΜΟΥΣΜΟΥΛΙ

Pink dentex
SAMA , DENTICE GIBOSSO , Dentice corazziere , denté rose , Τσαούσης
(Dentex gibbosus)

Large-eye dentex
Denté à gros yeux , Coq-Rouge , Dentice occhione , Cachocho , Μπαλάς

Puntilla , Baby Calamari , Calamaretto , Γλώσσα

Vrai Sole , Senegalese sole , Lenguado , Γλώσσα Σενεγάλης

Merlu , Hake , Lluç , Μπακαλιάρος
( Merluccius merluccius )








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